Armenian-German Joint Research Support Program

The Science Committee of the Republic of Armenia announces a Call for Proposals within Armenian-German Joint Research Support Program. This is the third Call for Proposals organized in the frameworks of the Memorandum of Understading between the Science Committee of the Republic of Armenia and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (August 24, 2012). It is aimed at promoting cooperation between the universities and scientific organizations of the two countries by supporting the implementation of joint scientific projects of mutual interest, supporting the mobility of young scientists, as well as by laying the groundwork for joint participation of Armenian-German scientific groups in EU framework programs. The scientific expertise of the applications will assess, inter alia, the compliance of the projects to the standards of the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Framework Program.
Applications can be submitted in the following thematic areas:
- Information and communication technologies,
- Sustainable agriculture (including food technology and food security),
- Biotechnology and applied medical research,
- Crisis prevention and management (including social, health and economic issues, risk assessment/risk management);
- Sociology and humanities, - Interdisciplinary research.
Applications that meet the priorities of the European Green Deal can be submitted to the present Call for Proposals (detailed information on the project can be found at:
Application deadline is 31 August 2021.