The RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Higher Education and Science Committee

PostDoc-Armenia 2025


The Higher Education and Science Committee of the Ministry of Science, Education, Culture, and Sports of the Republic of Armenia organizes the Call for Proposals "Program for Foreign Researchers in Scientific Organizations of the Republic of Armenia (PostDoc-Armenia 2025)".

The Call aims to pave ground for new prospective and competitive areas of research with the involvement of foreign researchers under the umbrella of Armenian research organizations, as well as to foster international collaboration in the field of science, involve researchers from overseas and the Diaspora, and promote the integration of young scientists into the international research area.

The Call is open for applicants born after January 1, 1984, with a scientific degree received after January 1, 2004, who neither have studied nor worked in RA for a cumulative period of 12 months during the last 4 years by the announcement of the Call.

During the whole implementation of the Project, the Applicants should be either citizens or residents of the Republic of Armenia and reside in Armenia.

During the implementation of the Projectthe Applicant shall be assisted in research and organizational matters by a Mentor,  who shall be an employee of the hosting Organization and hold a scientific degree.

After the completion of the Project, the Applicant shall present a minimum of 2 scientific publications in journals having an equivalent of at least Q2 SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) indicator. At least one of the publications shall involve the Mentor as a co-author.

The submission deadline for the Call for Proposals via the Online Application System ( is November 8, 2024, 18:00, Yerevan time (GMT+4).

The hard copies of the required documents shall be submitted to the Committee (22 Orbeli Brothers St., Yerevan, Armenia) by November 15, 2024.