New Call for Proposals for the Empowerment of Women Leaders in the Field of Science

For the first time, the RA Science Committee is organizing a Call for Proposals for scientific topics aimed at the empowerment of women leaders within the framework of contractual (thematic) funding of scientific and scientific-technical activities.
Actually, Armenia has good indicators in terms of women's involvement in science (according to 2019 data, more than 52% of the total number of employees of scientific and technical organizations in Armenia are women, while the percentage in the world is less than 30). However the number of women leaders of research groups or topics funded by the Science Committee is about 25 percent.
The new Call for Proposals is aiming to fill this gap, taking into consideration the priorities established by the “The Strategic Programme for the Gender Policy Implementation in the Republic of Armenia for 2019-2023" (link in Armenian) and "The Roadmap for the Integration of the R&D Field of the Republic of Armenia in the European Research Area" (link in Armenian).
Within the framework of the Call for Proposals, grants will be given to research groups consisting of 4-5 members for 36-month long projects.
The Call for Proposals in Armenian: