“Aram Khachatryan – 120” International Conference

On September 12-14, the International Scientific Conference "Aram Khachaturian-12" was held at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia.
The Conference was initiated by the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia jointly with the Aram Khachaturian House-Museum and the Union of Composers of Armenia. It was co-funded by the Higher Education and Science Committee. The objective of this Conference was to present the current state of Khachatryan studies, study the creative, performing, and social activities of the outstanding Armenian composer, and evaluate his legacy as part of the Armenian and world music legacy.
Some of the leading internationally recognized scientists, as well as young researchers from 8 countries (Armenia, Russia, USA, Ukraine, Latvia, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Lebanon) participated in the Conference.
As part of the Conference, an exhibition presenting the achievements of Khachaturyan studies was organized in the lobby of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Additionally, an exhibition entitled "Eternal Gratitude to Aram" was held in the Aram Khachaturian House Museum, at which some of the materials stored in the Elena Gnesina's Memorial Museum-Apartment (Moscow) were also presented.