Armenian-Chinese technical seminar in the field of seismology

On March 10-29, a series of online seminars in the field of seismology will be held for the first time within the framework of the Armenian-Chinese "Earthquake Monitoring and Modeling" International Laboratory.
During the seminar, the Chinese specialists will come up with reports for their Armenian counterparts, presenting the existing techniques and examples of earthquake prediction, new approaches to seismic risk assessment, and the possibilities of building complex seismic-geodynamic stations in Armenia within the framework of Armenian-Chinese cooperation.
The Armenian-Chinese "Earthquake Monitoring and Modeling" International Laboratory has been launched as a result of cooperation between the RA NAS A. Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology and the Institute of Geophysics of China Earthquake Administration, within the framework of the Memorandum on Understanding on the Cooperation in the Field of Earthquake Research, signed by the RA MESCS Science Committee and China Earthquake Administration of the People's Republic of China on July 5, 2019.