CHEP-2023-YEREVAN Conference on High Energy Physics to be held in A.I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory

The CHEP-2023-YEREVAN Conference on High Energy Physics is organized by the A.I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute) with the support of the Higher Education and Science Committee of the MESCS of the Republic of Armenia and Volkswagen Foundation within the Regional Doctoral Program on Theoretical and Experimental High Energy Physics. The conference will be held from September 11 to 14, 2023, in Yerevan, Armenia.
The main topics of the current event are the Precision Tests of the Standard Model, Physics of the Higgs boson, Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Heavy Ion Physics, Hadron Spectroscopy, Advanced Computational and Analysis Tools in HEP, etc. Among other topics of the Conference are High Energy Physics experiments such as the experiments at the LHC, SPS, NICA, KEK, etc.
The conference expects around 50 talks, with duration of about 30 minutes.
More details on the official website of the Conference.