The Science Committee is announcing two new Calls for Proposals

The Science Committee is announcing two new Calls for Proposals within the framework of contractual (thematic) financing of scientific and technical activities.
Grants will be given for 36-month long projects submitted by research groups consisting of 4-5 members and selected on a competitive basis, that are dedicated to ambitious, groundbreaking and feasible topics in all the fields of scientific and technical activities.
The Call for Proposals for the selection of scientific projects for supporting newly established scientific groups (the announcement in Armenian) is aimed at providing a launch support for the creation of new research groups or laboratories.
The other one, named "The Call for Proposals for the selection of scientific projects for strengthening scientific groups and laboratories" (the announcement in Armenian), is aimed at increasing the capacity of already existing research groups or laboratories.
The expected output of the program is the publication of scientific articles, meeting the requirements specified in the Call, by group members in high-impact journals. The failure to comply with the mentioned condition will affect the future expert evaluations of the scientific projects submitted by the members of that group to other calls for proposals announced by the Committee.
Deadline for applications is 21 August 2020.