The RA Science Committee announces a competition for Experimental Development Projects.

The RA Science Committee announces a competition for Experimental Development Projects for scientists and researchers working in the fields of "Natural Sciences", "Engineering and Technology", "Medical Sciences", "Agricultural Sciences”.
The competition will replace the previous ones organized by the Science Committee aimed at obtaining the Applied results. The key difference is that the projects must have a certain technology readiness level (TRL) at the end.
The concept of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) evaluates technology maturity in 9 levels. In your application for the grant, you must specify which TRL you are aiming to achieve. In this case, at least TRL 4 is required.
Research groups of 4-5 people will receive up to 30 million AMD for 24 months. The projects must have at least 6 million AMD co-funding from a non-governmental organization. The latter must be interested in the application of the final result of the project.
Application deadline, November 25, 2022.