Armenian delegation visits Germany to discuss the implementation of the Academic City project

On January 7-12, the Chairman of the Higher Education and Science Committee, Sargis Hayotsyan, visited the Federal Republic of Germany at the invitation of the GMP International GmbH Architects and Engineers company, which designed the conceptual master plan of the Academic City.
The parties met to discuss the next steps in implementing the "Academic City" project, get acquainted with similar projects in Germany, and visit TUM International GmbH, the key international partner of the Academic City's technology cluster, signing a memorandum of cooperation with the organization.
As part of a joint delegation including representatives of the RA Urban Development Committee, the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, and the "Academic City" Foundation, Mr. Hayotsyan also visited the GMP office, where the parties discussed the Academic City's master plan, the Hayfilm studio, the international student workshops involving Armenia and Hamburg and other topics.
The delegation members also visited the Berlin Tigel Airport-Innovation Campus designed by GMP, as well as the Gasteig Center in Munich.
Parties also visited Berlin's Adlershof Science City, the Einstein Foundation's Center for the Digital Future, the Munich Urban Collab, and the Garching Campus of the Technical University of Munich, as well as the "Garching Center" founded by the German Ministry of Economics.
The partners presented the best practices and expressed their willingness to cooperate with the Armenian side within the framework of implementing the Academic City concept.
During the visit to the Garching campus of the Technical University of Munich, a meeting was held with the former rector of the university, Wolfgang Hermann. During this meeting, the campus's construction, structure, and management methods, history and methods of cooperation with large private organizations, the process of uniting several universities around it, and innovations were discussed.
At the "Urban Collab" Center of Munich, the Armenian delegation had the opportunity to meet Friederike Hettinger, the director of the Technical University of Munich-International LLC (TUM International GmbH), as well as the project manager Georgetta Auctor.
Finally, the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation was signed between the Higher Education and Science Committee MESCS RA and the Munich Technical University-International LLC to establish cooperative relations for the continuous development of the Academic City project. The scope of future cooperation includes cluster management, staff training, content creation, outlining core principles, and many more.