The RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Higher Education and Science Committee

Young Researchers Support Program - 2025


The Higher Education and Science Committee of the Republic of Armenia announces a Call for Proposals named “Young Researchers Support Program - 2025”.

The Call is intended for projects in all fields of scientific and technical activity and is aimed at supporting research groups consisting of young researchers (under 35 years of age).

The objectives of the Call are as follows:

-       To improve the involvement of young researchers in scientific and technical activities;

-       to foster competitive environment in science;

-      to improve the scientific environment;

-      to contribute to the integration of young researchers into the international research area;

-       to attract the research potential of the diaspora and abroad by fostering international cooperation;

-       to assist to the establishment of new scientific units.

24-month grants will be awarded competitively to research groups of 2-4 members, including a Principal Investigator (PI) and Group Members.

At the moment of the submission of the application, the Group Members can be both the RA citizens and foreign citizens. However, they must reside in the Republic of Armenia during the whole implementation of the Project, being either citizens or residents of the RA.

The application is submitted by the PI, who shall:

  • Be born after January 1, 1989;
  • Hold a scientific degree;
  • Be responsible for the formation of the group and the successful implementation of the project.

The Group Members must have been born after January 1, 1989, and can be students in at least their third year of undergraduate studies.

The Group must include a Foreign Partner (Collaborator).

Applications for participation must be submitted through the Committee's online application and reporting system at

The online application deadline is August 30, 2024. Funding is expected to start in January 2025.

For additional information and consultation regarding the competition, you can contact the Higher Education and Science Committee by calling 010-210-140 (*113) or, for technical questions, 010-210-140 (*108).