Call for Proposals aimed at the Empowerment of Women Leaders in Science

The Higher Education and Science Committee is pleased to announce the Call for Proposals for the "The Empowerment of Women Leaders 2024" Program, aimed at developing the potential of women in leadership positions in science.
To be eligible to apply as Heads of the Group for this Call, the participants shall meet the following criteria:
• Be born after January 1, 1969;
• Have a scientific degree;
• Not holding a leadership position in any scientific organization or university (head of a scientific group, laboratory/department, chair, or similar positions) since February 2023;
• Have a sufficient number of publications meeting the Call criteria.
If the Head of the Group is involved in any project carried out by a research organization within the framework of basic funding for scientific and technical activities from the state budget of the Republic of Armenia, the application shall be submitted on behalf of the respective organization.
Submitted projects must be ambitious, competitive, prospective, promising, and feasible. During the project implementation period of 36 months, the participants shall reside in Armenia and conduct research in the RA state scientific organizations or universities. All research and technical fields are eligible.
Group Members, including the Head of the Group, can be both citizens of the Republic of Armenia and foreign citizens who must reside in the Republic of Armenia during the implementation of the project. The Group must have a foreign partner (Collaborator).
The maximum amount of funding for a three-year project can be AMD 45 million for a five-member group, AMD 37,8 million for a four-member Group, and AMD 30,6 million for a three-member Group.
The average monthly salary of the Group Members amounts to AMD 200,000. Up to 9 million drams in the Budget Estimate can be allocated to purchase scientific equipment or services for research activities and travel. The application deadline is January 5, 2024.
The Higher Education and Science Committee will host an informational meeting (InfoDay) on December 18.
The program for implementing women-led scientific projects is being announced for the second time. Funding for the projects selected during the first Call will close soon.