Invitation to participate in the International scientific-practical conference: "Armenology in the context of languages and cultures"

The Basic Organization of culture and languages of the CIS Member States - Moscow State Linguistic University, the Department of Languages and Cultures of the CIS and Near Abroad with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, Embassy of Armenia to Russian Federation and LLC "The Union of Armenians of Russia" invites to participate in the International scientific-practical conference "Armenology in the context of languages and cultures" that will be held on 18-19 of April 2023, at Moscow State Linguistic University (Ostozhenka 36, room 205).
The purpose of the Conference is to study the development and existence conditions of the Armenian language at all periods of human history (from ancient times to the present) and the ethnogenesis of the Armenian people.
Directions of the Conference work:
1. Traditions and Innovations in Methods of Teaching the Armenian Language and
2. The Armenian Language: Translation and Interpretation Challenges Nowadays.
3. Comparative-Historical Linguistics.
4. Intercultural Communication: Language and Thought.
5. Latest Research in Terminology of The Armenian Language: The Impact of Scientific and Technological Progress and Modern Conditions.
Scientists, professors, faculty members, heads of institutions of additional professional education, doctoral students, graduate and undergraduate students, representatives of representatives of international and public organizations are all invited to participate in the conference.
The official languages are Armenian, Russian and English. Participation forms are both in-person and remote.
It is necessary to send application and article to organizing committee mail.
Deadline for theses is April 10, 2023, and for articles is April 15, 2023.