Call for Proposals "Cooperation Program with Artsakh - 2021" has been announced

The Science Committee is announcing a Call for Proposals "Cooperation Program with Artsakh - 2021" within the framework of contractual (thematic) financing of scientific and technical activities.
It’s the 5th call for proposals within the framework of the “Agreement on Cooperation in the Scientific and Technical Sphere” signed on November 15, 2009 between the Science Committee and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Artsakh Republic.
The Committee shall provide 12- or 24-month grants to research groups of 3-4 members for the implementation of scientific and technical research in the field of Natural Sciences, namely in the field of Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences.
The main requirements envisaged by the Call for Proposals are as follows:
- the research group must include a scientific advisor who has a scientific degree, is a permanent resident of the Republic of Armenia and shall reside in the Republic of Armenia throughout the implementation of the program, as well as has at least two scientific articles published in journals with impact factor (according to the Institute for Scientific Information);
- the group leader and the member(s) must be permanent residents of the Artsakh Republic and reside in the Artsakh Republic throughout the implementation of the program;
- the group must include at least one member under the age of 35: a postgraduate, graduate or master student who has not reached the age of 35 before the application deadline.
The expected output of the program is the publication of at least one scientific article by each group member (including the leader) in the journals included in the first, second or third quarter classification (Q1, Q2, Q3 quartile) by the Scimago Journal & Country Ranking (SJR,
The deadline for applications is October 30, 2020.
The Call for Proposals in Armenian: