Horizon Europe Programme and Euraxess-Armenia Portal Inauguration conference

On 24 November 2021, and only few days after the signature of the Horizon Europe association agreement between the European Commission and Armenia the Horizon Europe Programme & EURAXESS Armenia Portal Inauguration conference was held in Yerevan, Armenia at Matenadaran Conference Hall.
The event was organized by the Scientific and Innovation Partnership Assistance Center (SIPAC) in close collaboration with the European Commission, DG R&I, the Science Committee of Republic of Armenia and the National Academy of Science. It was attended by representatives of various research institutes, universities, private companies, NGOs and other research-intensive organizations of the country.
The main objective of the event was to present to the Armenian research community opportunities for participation in Horizon Europe arising from the Association of Armenia to the programme and to inaugurate the EURAXESS Armenia Portal as a platform supporting mobility and better career development for researchers.
Armenia’s association to Horizon Europe gives Armenian research entities the possibility to participate in Horizon Europe activities and calls on equal footing with entities from EU member states. Armenia was the 41st country to join the EURAXESS initiative, a transnational commitment to remove the geographical barriers to researchers’ mobility and foster attractive research careers and scientific collaboration.
Keynote addresses at the conference were delivered by Mr. Artur Martirosyan, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, Ms. Signe Ratso, Deputy Director-General, DG R&I, European Commission, Mr. Sargis Hayotsyan, Chairman of Science Committee of the Republic of Armenia and Prof. Ashot Saghyan, President of the National Academy of Sciences.
see more: https://bit.ly/3odo7gR