Scientific conference on modern applied problems of physics in Armenia

On September 18-22, the Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and Yerevan State University held the XIV International RREPS-2023 Symposium "Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures" and the VIII International MEGHRI-2023 Conference "Electron, Positron, Neutron and X-Ray Scattering under External Influences" in Yerevan and Tsakhkadzor. The events were organized with the support of the Higher Education and Science Committee.
Three dozen foreign scientists from more than ten countries took part in the conference with over a decade-long history, which this year was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. More than 60 reports were presented on a number of topical problems in the field of physics and acoustic physics, in particular:
- interaction of electrons and positrons with solids in the presence of external influences;
- X-rays and neutrons scattering in crystals;
- the application of terahertz, X-ray and neutron radiation.
It should also be noted that in 2023, following the results of the Remote Labs Fellowship Program announced by the Higher Education and Science Committee, a new international laboratory will be established at the Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, which over the next 5 years will conduct cutting-edge research in the field of X-ray and giga/terahertz tomography and spectroscopy.
The final scientific event of this series, the Gurgen Askaryan International School of Young Scientists, will take place in Meghri and last until September 27.
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