The results of the Integration Grant published

By the Order of the RA Minister of ESCS №2213-Ա/2 dated October 25, 2023, the results of the “Support Program for Integration of Foreign Scientists to the Scientific Community of the Republic of Armenia 2023/2 (Integration Grant)” Call have been approved.
In the framework of the Call, one research project out of 6 applications submitted to the Committee has been deemed eligible for funding.
Thus, the total number of funded projects under the current and 2 previous Calls for Proposals aimed at providing Support for the Integration of Foreign Scientists into the Scientific Community of the Republic of Armenia reached 11.
As a result of the five-year project, it is envisaged to foster the creation of new departments in competitive and promising areas of scientific research under the supervision of foreign scientists under the age of 50 who moved to Armenia from abroad, and with the involvement of foreign scientific potential and young researchers.