Armenia-Germany Science Day 2024

On June 27, the opening of the two-day event "Armenia-Germany Science Day" took place at Yerevan State University.
The event was organized through the joint initiative of the RA MESCS Higher Education and Science Committee and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
The agenda included:
- summarizing the achievements of Armenia-Germany cooperation in science over recent years;
- deepening and expanding joint projects in research, technology, and innovation;
- exploring the prospects for bilateral cooperation within the framework of the Academic City project.
The event was opened by Mr. Rafael Barkhudaryan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs at YSU, who noted that this is yet another significant milestone on the path of cooperation in research and innovation between Armenia and Germany. According to the Vice-Rector, the presence of German partners here testifies to the strong ties of friendship and cooperation that unite the two countries. "This event provides unique platform for us to share knowledge, exchange ideas, forge new partnerships that will drive scientific progress and technical advancements.," Mr. Barkhudaryan expressed with confidence.
Welcoming the attendees, Mr. Sargis Hayotsyan, Chairman of the RA MESCS Higher Education and Science Committee, emphasized that within the framework of the bilateral memorandum, the Committee and the BMBF have already managed to accomplish 3 joint calls to support scientific research, resulting in the successful completion of 20 two-year projects by Armenian-German scientific teams, with another 5 guaranteed funding as a result of the call in March 2024.
The funded projects, in addition to covering a number of areas of bilateral interest (information technology, biotechnology, sustainable agriculture, risk management, etc.), also align with the priorities of the European Green Deal. "In doing so we are also aiming to boost Armenia's participation in European framework programs and build capacity for more relevant research for the globe," noted Mr. Hayotsyan.
Mr. Hayotsyan also added that implementing joint projects has contributed to researchers' mobility, the creation of a better collaborative environment through joint scientific events, and the engagement of young researchers.
Summarizing the achievements of the Committee and the BMBF's cooperation over recent years, such as the launch of the first Armenian-German joint laboratory in the Department of Genetics and Cytology at Yerevan State University with the involvement of the Institute of Human Genetics at the University of Jena, Mr. Hayotsyan noted that the partners are entering a new cycle of deepening cooperation. The particular interest of this new cycle is cooperation with German universities and research organizations under one of the largest programs initiated by the RA Government – the Academic City.
Germany's Deputy Ambassador to Armenia, Mr. Erik Tintrup, emphasized the importance of holding the event in terms of promoting cooperation in the fields of research and education between the two countries, noting that in recent years, Armenia-Germany collaboration has become even closer in various directions. According to the Deputy Ambassador, Armenia is on the path of diversification and is setting high European standards in various fields, which Germany, as Armenia's partner, is ready to support.
Referring to the most promising projects implemented in cooperation with the Armenian scientific and educational community, the Deputy Ambassador of Germany mentioned the cooperation with the National Polytechnic University of Armenia in the field of solar energy, as well as discussions dedicated to ensuring the sustainable development of Lake Sevan with the participation of Armenian scientists and specialists, reaffirming the German side's support for the progress of the Armenian scientific and educational sector.
Mr. Florian Frank, Head of the Division for Cooperation with Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, emphasized the importance of sustainable cooperation between Armenia and Germany in education and science. He highlighted the most promising areas of collaboration, particularly biodiversity research, climate study, and healthcare while presenting new achievements in Armenian-German scientific and educational cooperation.
"Since the beginning of this year, we have jointly launched five new bilateral projects, and we have already invested one million euros. This is a very good start, but more will be done in the future," mentioned Mr. Frank.
Mr. Frank also praised the Armenian government's efforts to double sectoral funding for science and research: "The doubling of investments is truly impressive and will create more opportunities for bilateral cooperation in the future," noted the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research representative.
During the event, Mr. Sargis Hayotsyan and BMBF partners presented the priorities for the development of research and innovation in Armenia and Germany. They also discussed cooperation within the framework of the Academic City project with Mrs. Friederike Hettinger, Director of the Managing Director of TUM International GmbH, which aims to ensure the interconnection of Armenia's education, science, and innovation sectors and create an effective environment for innovation.
The German delegation included representatives from several leading scientific organizations and foundations operating in Germany, such as the German Research Foundation, Helmholtz and Leibniz Associations, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and others, who also participated in an opportunities fair involving Armenian universities.
On the second day of the event, there was a more detailed focus on Armenia and Germany's university and extra-university research systems. Presentations were made by representatives of German universities and scientific organizations, as well as YSU, NAS RA, the Alikhanyan National Scientific Laboratory, the CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute, and the Enterprise Incubator Foundation.
During the event, examples of Armenian-German research cooperation in healthcare and biodiversity were discussed, as well as opportunities for funding Armenian-German joint scientific projects.