International Conference “New Emerging Trends in Chemistry” in Yerevan

The “New Trends in Chemistry” international conference (NewTrendsChem-2023) was held on September 24, 2023, at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Bringing together a number of outstanding researchers engaged in various fields of chemistry, this conference is designed to stimulate productive discussions and provide prospects for future cooperation between Armenian and foreign researchers.
The conference was organized by the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Scientific Technological Center of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Republic of Armenia and Yerevan State University with the support of the Higher Education and Science Committee.
The conference was attended by more than 350 specialists from the UAE, USA, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Canada, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia and Finland, including Prof. Dr. Valentine P. Ananikov (academician of RAS, head of the Laboratory of Metal-Complex and Nanoscale Catalysts of the N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry), Prof. Dr. Artem R. Oganov (academician of RAS, one of the most well-known scientist of Armenian origin in the field) and others.
More than 80 scientific reports on innovative areas of modern chemistry were presented during the conference. Among others, the following topics were covered:
- Predicting and Rationalizing New Materials and New Phenomena;
- Artificial Intelligence and Digital Design in Chemistry;
- Photochemistry;
- Supramolecular Chemistry;
- Theory of Catalysis;
- New Data in Nanomaterials Research.
The conference program and other details are available at the link.