ISTC is soliciting proposals to support émigré STEs departed from Russia

The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) is soliciting proposals, with the intention to fund one-year research grants for successful candidates from institutes in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Tajikistan, and/or Kyrgyzstan.
The fellowships under the Project will support émigré scientists, technicians, and engineers who previously departed from Russia and are now located near the requesting institute to participate together with local scientists, technicians, and engineers engaged in approved civilian research and educational activities.
These grants are intended to deepen collaboration and networks on peaceful science, non-proliferation, and global security issues.
The grants will benefit the host institutions by facilitating research and innovation involving top-tier émigré and host country scientists at host-country research institutions, while providing financial support to émigré scientists and their host country scientific collaborators for supervised research in an appropriate research environment.
The topics should be relevant to ISTC’s areas of peaceful research interest, including nuclear physics and engineering, aeronautics, biology, chemistry, etc. The project is intended to build long-term civilian research partnerships between émigré scientists and the host countries, ideally leading to longer-term opportunities and partnership after project funding ends.