The launch of Adjunct Research Professorship Program

The Science Committee has launched this year's ARPI call, under which foreign researchers can submit their applications for carrying out their ambitious research projects in Armenia.
The program is intended for active experienced researchers, who wish to realize their pioneering research ideas as Adjunct Research Professors by founding their research groups at a research institution in Armenia. The ARPI program is open to candidates of any research background, discipline, nationality or age, who haven't worked or studied in Armenia more than 12 months within the last four years. To qualify as a principal investigator applicants need to hold a tenured professorship or equivalent permanent position outside Armenia.
The program guarantees remuneration of the research group members, including the salary of a Co-investigator, postdoctoral researchers, and students, as well as start-up and project-related running and equipment costs with a budget of up to €309,800 for five years.
The program overview could be found at
Application forms are published at
Proposals may be submitted until 6pm Armenia time (UTC +4) on 26th of August.