16 Research Groups and Laboratories to Receive a Consolidator Grant

By the Order of the RA Minister of ESCS №2247-Ա/2 dated October 27, 2023, the results of the “Consolidator Grant for Research Groups or Laboratories (Departments) - 2023” Call have been approved.
You can find the list of research projects recommended for funding here.
Financing of the projects shall start in November 2023. The duration of the projects is 60 months.
The Call aims at strengthening and development the existing scientific departments in prospective, modern research areas within the RA research organizations.
The research groups/laboratories approved for funding consist of 4-7 members, at least three of them being under the age of 35, and supervised by a group leader under the age of 40, holding a Ph.D. degree and having been employed as a head of department at the relevant organization for at least six months. Up to 176 million drams will be provided for each project over 5 years.