RA Government Resolution on Establishing Fund “CANDLE”

On May 24, the RA Government passed the Resolution on Establishing Fund CANDLE “Institute of Synchrotron Investigations”. The establishment of the Fund will make it possible to raise extra funds for promoting the activities carried out by the Center.
The main objective of the fund is to build a source of synchrotron emission, develop and apply accelerator technologies based on the application of synchrotron emission, realize scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activity, train highly qualified specialists, etc.
The Prime Minister highly appreciated the contribution of a group of talented physicists in setting cooperative ties with advanced centers and obtain financial assistance. He mentioned that several million – worth equipment has already been introduced into Armenia and according to the Prime Minister the Center is perspective.
The RA Government also approved of the Draft Resolution on the 2012-2013 Program on Developing Small and Medium Chemistry in Armenia and the Time Table of its realization.