Ultrafast Beams and Applications

An international workshop on “Ultrafast Beams and Applications“, organized by the State Committee of Science MES RA, CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute and DESY Accelerator Center was held on July 4-7, 2017 at CANDLE SRI. A special session, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of CANDLE Institute, was held on the 6th of July. Prof. Samvel Haroutiunian (Chairman of SCS MES RA) and H.E. Mr. Bernhard Matthias Kiesler (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Armenia) attended this session.
The session was opened by a talk on the latest developments of high brightness CANDLE Synchrotron light source project (A. Sargsyan) and an overview of the cooperation between German and Armenian scientists during the past 60 years in the field of accelerator physics and technology (V. Tsakanov). For his outstanding contribution to the international cooperation between Armenian and German scientists during the past three decades and to the development of accelerator physics and technology in Armenia, the Emeritus professor of Hamburg University Joerg Rossbach was awarded the Gold Medal of State Committee of Science MES RA. In their speeches Prof. S. Haroutiunian and Ambassador M. Kiesler highly appreciated the Armenian-German scientific cooperation and its prospects.
Afterwards, workshop participants and guests had a tour to AREAL laser driven accelerator facility, got acquainted with the ongoing activities and perspectives of creating Free Electron Laser, using the long undulator magnet, provided by DESY. Prof. J. Rossbach and S. Haroutiunian planted fir trees as a sign of Armenian-German scientific cooperation.