The RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Higher Education and Science Committee

About us » Staff of the Committee » Deputy Chairman - Harutyun Sargsyan


Deputy Chairman of the RA MESCS Higher Education and Science Committee


Date and Place of Birth

January 22, 1984, Yerevan, Armenia



2001-2007 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology

Qualification: Biophysics


Professional Activity

September 25, 2023, to present Deputy Chairman of the RA MESCS Higher Education and Science Committee

2020-2023 Head of the Unit for Organizing Scientific Expertise of the RA MESCS Science Committee

2018-2020 Chief Specialist of the Unit for Organizing Scientific Expertise of the RA MESCS Science Committee

2017-2018 – Leading Specialist of the Unit for Organizing Scientific Expertise of the RA MES State Committee of Science

2017-2021 (part-time) – Researcher at L.A.Orbeli Institute of Physiology NAS RA

2010-2017 Junior Researcher at Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology

2007-2009 Military Service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia

Marital Status
