ՀՀ կրթության, գիտության, մշակույթի և սպորտի նախարարություն Բարձրագույն կրթության և գիտության կոմիտե

Համագործակցություն » Միջազգային համագործակցություն » Erasmus+ Հայաստանում » Բարձրագույն կրթություն » Micro-credentials for Higher Education systems of Georgia and Armenia: South Caucasus lighthouse project (Micro-GEAR)

Project number 101127144
Duration 36 months (2024-2026)
Grant 999,804.00 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Georgian Technical University, Georgia, Prof. Karlo Kopaliani


  1. Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of NAS RA, Lilit Sahakyan, lilit.sahakyan@cens.am
  2. Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia
  3. National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation
  4. Yerevan State University Foundation
  5. Eurasia International University
  6. National Information Center for Academic Recognition and Mobility

EU partners

  1. Giraf PM E.K., Associazione Cimea, Italy
  2. Universita degli Studi Europea, Italy
  3. Universidad Carlos Iii de Madrid, Spain
  4. Universitat des Saarlandes, Germany
Other Partner
  1. The University of Georgia, Georgia
  2. Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Georgia
  3. National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, Georgia
  4. Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association, Georgia

Micro-GEAR is supporting structural reforms in the higher education sector of the South Caucasus region, primarily focusing on Georgia and Armenia, with the aim of introducing and facilitating the broad proliferation of micro-credentials as a tool for improving relevance, quality and flexibility of higher education. In line with the European Council’s Recommendation on a European approach to microcredentials for lifelong learning and employability, the project will update the National Qualifications Frameworks in both countries, build national consensus over principles of micro-credentialing, stimulate
educational activities leading to micro-credentials and facilitate their mutual recognition. In order to validate the suggested reforms, to provide feedback to the policy level, as well as to facilitate the proliferation of micro-credentials, the project will implement the pilot programme covering the capacity building on micro-credentials and the development of educational units leading to micro-credentials. Finally, the project dissemination and sustainability activities will spread the obtained results to all relevant education and training providers in the beneficiary countries and wider in the region. The Georgian and
Armenian partners involved are: Ministries of Education, National Accreditation Agencies and ENIC Centres, Higher Education Institutions and representatives of training providers. On the European side, the project consortium includes 3 Higher Education Institutions with complementary competences, the Italian ENIC-NARIC Centre and a Quality Assurance Expert Company.

Website: https://microgear.org/home/en/