ՀՀ կրթության, գիտության, մշակույթի և սպորտի նախարարություն Բարձրագույն կրթության և գիտության կոմիտե

Համագործակցություն » Միջազգային համագործակցություն » Erasmus+ Հայաստանում » ՄԿՈՒ » INVEsT in you: promote international traineeship programs for Armenian, Georgian and Moldovan students in Central Europe (IN-VET)

Project number 101129424

Duration 24 months (2024- 2026)

Grant 400,000.00 €

Applicant (Coordinator) Gyorsan Energikusan Extremen Kodolo Club Egyesulet, Hungary



Youth Cooperation Centre of Dilijan NGO
EU partners

  1. Ignis plus, n.o, Slovakia
  2. Asociatia Dezvolta-Ma – Develop Me, Romania

Other Partner
  1. Agenția Națională de Asigurare a Calității în Educatie și Cercetare, Moldova
  2. National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research, Moldova
  3. Skills Agency, Georgia

Project Summary

The project aims to strengthen the professional skills, transversal and key competencies of disadvantaged students from the Eastern Partnership countries. At the same time, the project promotes the development of teachers through several meetings and international activities. Accordingly, the project pursues the following objectives:

1. To strengthen EaP teachers’ preparation a development, in particular in preparing students for international programmes and mobilities;

2. To promote work-based learning abroad for 30 disadvantaged students and develop their key competencies and professional development;

3. To develop regional capacity building by enhancing the cooperation among different social, public and private actors.

The project targets disadvantaged students from rural and urban areas facing different obstacles. Other targets are the schools’ teachers, staff, and various private and public stakeholders working in VET education. Gender balance will be essential, and the schools will ensure the equal participation of male and female participants. Students will come from rural and urban areas, and 90% will face one or more obstacles.