Goris State University (GorSU);
Naira Safaryan – nairasaf66@gmail.com
Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute (YeTRI);
Mher Markosyan – mark@yetri.am
Union of Employers of Information and Communication Technologies (UEICT), Associated partner;
Armen Baldryan – armen.baldryan@ueict.org
Republican Union Of Employers Of Armenia (RUEA), Associated partner;
Gagik Makaryan – makaryan.ruea@gmail.com
Project Summary
Erasmus+ Project “Competences for International Innovation Projects – CompIIT” addresses the need in Armenia for graduates who are able to work in the virtual cross-border projects of the digital era. Graduates need to learn how to work in interdisciplinary, international and intercultural teams, with specific communication competences (in English), a dedicated project competence and a digital literacy in IT tools for collaboration, communication and project management. Universities in Armenia are expected to move towards project-based learning (PjBL) patterns. Furthermore, they need the industry-university cooperation to make such projects realistic, innovative and work-place related. The goal of the project “Competences for International Innovation Projects – CompIIT” is to prepare Armenian students for this international, digitalized and projectized working environment by developing their project competence, their international communication competence and their entrepreneurial mindset. CompIIT addresses these needs with 3 core deliverables: a Virtual Project Campus as a digital infrastructure with IT tools and courses, 3 trans-disciplinary project formats for the curricula: innovation project, cross-border project, start-up project, the ProCom Language and Communication School as a virtual entity. The partners will form Open Communities of Practice (OpenCoP) on each outcome which work iteratively and agile, also beyond project runtime. With KU Leuven as one of the most innovative European universities and FH Dortmund as one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany, two EU partners with strong background in digital transformation, industry-university cooperation and innovation projects are members of CompIIT. In Armenia, the European University of Armenia is the strongly international anchor towards Europe while the Goris State University (GSU) addresses more remote, rural areas. The Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute CJSC (YeTRI) is a strong multiplier into many HEIs in Armenia. CompIIT will serve these needs by building a virtual, cross-country and cross-university platform with 5 main outcomes: • A Virtual Project Campus as a digital infrastructure with IT tools for project management and collaboration, including eLearning courses on project management, tutorials, case studies. • 3 project formats for inclusion into the curricula: innovation project, cross-border project, start-up project. These projects are conducted in interdisciplinary teams with companies. • The ProCom Language and Communication School as a virtual entity for delivering the competence in English language project communication. • A Train-the-Trainer programme for teachers who want to use the outcomes. • The annual Summer School on International Project Management.
Website: www.compiit.am